High School 1962-3 Logging Camp 1962-3 Nela my hippie friend Poetry Robert Service Songs of my salad years Songs of my savory years

Rain in Ukraine

Photo by   Alexei Scutari Rain in Ukraine By Bryan Sanctuary May 16, 2022 It rained today, it started light but thunder rumbled soon, The land lay back to drink the gift and planned its coming bloom. The humid air with... Read more

Robert Service

The Ballard of the Ice-worm Cocktail

A poem by Robert Service [video width="1170" height="1038" mp4="http://blog.mchmultimedia.com//wp-content/uploads/2022/01/IceWormCocktail.mp4"][/video]

Bryan's Blogs, songs and science

I started this blog in January of 2022. My old blogs are still available from the pull-down menu above. I stopped blogging for some time, but now will be back.

It is a time for change